In English

«Togreiser» is the Norwegian word for train journeys. This site provides information on travelling by train in Norway and from Norway to the rest of Europe. There are many sites with information in English on train journeys all over the world, but very few are focused on Norway.

Here you get an overview on how to get to Norway by train, and some information on the most scenic routes in Norway. For more information from the rest of the site use Google Translate.

To and from Norway

From Europe, the main train line to Norway is from Copenhagen in Denmark, via Gothenborg in Sweden to Oslo Central Station. Ordering tickets from, you can get tickets as low as NOK 249 from Gothenburg to Oslo. For tickets from Copenhagen through Sweden you need to order tickets using  As for many other countries, you can find updated time tables at

There is also a line from Stockholm to Oslo via Karlstad. Further North you can travel from Sweden to Trondheim or Narvik.

The Rauma Railway

Train ready for departure at Åndalsnes station

We consider the Rauma railway line to be Norway’s most scenic train route! It starts at Dombås in the mountains, crosses some of Norways most spectacular scenery and finishes at Åndalsnes, decending 655 meters along the way. During the summer season, special arrangements are made for tourists with various photo ops during the journey, including information in English and German.

The Flåm Railway

The Flåmsbana train

This is the steepest adhesion railway in northern Europe and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Norway. Read more about this spectacular railway at

The Bergen Railway

This line goes across the mountains from Oslo to Bergen on the west coast of Norway. It reaches its highest peak in the Finse tunel, 1237 metres above sea level. Scenic parts in the mountains, although tunnels and avalanche shields steals some parts.

The Nordland Railway

The Nordland Railway starts in Trondheim and goes north to Bodø, passing the Arctic Circle on its way on the scenic Saltfjellet. According to Lonely Planet, this is one of Europe’s 8 best night trains. As a curiosity the Nordland Railway also passing Hell on its way.

Other information

Cheap tickets called «Minipris» can be purchased on most travels from NOK 249 and must be bought online from the website of Entur, the official ticket office for all norwegian train operators at